We Are Not In The Desert Anymore

Leaving the desert and dryness of southern California and Nevada was tough with the looming snowstorm ahead of me.  But I had a very special somebody waiting to be picked up from the Salt Lake City airport so onward I went.  Time for a vacation away from my vacation.

I found a campsite next to a supposed lake.  Visibility was too long when I parked so I had no idea of my surroundings. Once the snow settled in the morning, it made for quite a beautiful view.

Tracy Aviary

This place was a lot cooler than I was expecting.  Kim heard of the Tracy Aviary from somewhere and it was a perfect afternoon activity for the two of us.  It was fairly void of people due to it being winter which was great.  If you are a bird lover this is a must see if you are in the Salt Lake CIty area.

Utah Natural History Museum

Do you think museums are cool?  I think museums are cool.  The Utah Natural History museum is set up in a very cool manner, going through the eras as you walk through.  Of course we might have taken it backwards but that just meant we were going back in time.

Also I was quite distracted by playing a Pokemon Go event that lasted all day.

Park City Olympic Park

The last stop on this vacation was Park City and the Olympic Park from the 2002 Olympics.  I completely forgot this even existed here until we arrived and it was neat seeing the slopes still in use.  Kim is a huge Olympics fan so getting see the history here through her eyes really made for a memorable day.